WordPress Hosting

wordpress hosting

If you’ve a WordPress website for any amount of time, you know that WordPress hosting is not created equal.

WordPress is a content management system that requires many resources to perform optimally. As you add features and plug-ins, your WordPress website will eventually become bogged down. Your website will not only be slow for your customers, but also for your staff who is editing the website. For every click, there’s a 30-second delay. You might have that type of patience, but your customers certainly will not.

I’m sure you have tried cheaper hosting and found that your WordPress website only gets bogged down. We’ve been working with WordPress since 2010 and have used many hosting services over the years. There is a handful of decent quality hosting services and there is an unlimited amount of horrible services. In this space, you get what you pay for.

For our customers, we offer a WordPress hosting solution that’s not only fast but secure. Our customers don’t want to have to think about their website. They expect it to be quick and secure 24/7-365. We want the same for not only our customers but for ourselves. Because if our customers websites are sluggish and slow and makes us look bad and causes us a lot of extra work. We’ve been in business for over 11 years by creating trust and relationships with our customers.

Our WordPress hosting solution includes a variety of benefits that will ultimately make your website more successful.

Benefits include:


WordPress websites on our hosting platform are blazing fast. Click and go. There is no hesitation, so you can be sure your customers find what they’re looking for quickly. Navigate our website and you’ll see what I mean.


Our WordPress hosting solution includes a variety of security benefits. It includes DDOS protection, malware scanning, and a web application firewall (WAF). Everything to keep the bad guys out and the good guys (your customers) in.


Daily backups are taken so that if something happens to your website, we can revert to a backup. You can think of this as an insurance plan.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

We also incorporate a CDN so that your website operates at full speed. This allows your website files to be served from different locations around the globe depending on where your visitor is located. For instance, if your visitor is in Washington State, we will serve the website files from that server that’s located in Washington State (vs. New York).

wordpress hosting ssl certificate

SSL Certificate

All websites include an SSL certificate. This is what creates the lock icon next to your domain name that you see while browsing online. It secures connections from your visitors to your website (login, transfers, etc.). If you process transactions on your website, an SSL certificate is also used to secure those card transactions.


If your website suddenly receives ten times the number of visitors, our WordPress hosting scales to match the resources needed to accommodate the influx of visitors. That way your website is online when it counts. Many other hosting solutions will simply crash if you become too popular.

Free Migration

If you would like to host with us, we offer a one-time free migration. We will handle moving your entire WordPress website to our platform without any additional charge.

If you want to have more confidence in your website, consider switching your website to our WordPress hosting platform.

If your website is down or sluggish, you are losing clients and money. It’s that simple. If you’d like to focus more on your business and quit thinking about your website performance, Call or Text Today (360) 450-3711.

Free Website Audit

Is your website at its best? Our free website audit will guide you through boosting performance and wowing your visitors.

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