WordPress Mistake Tip #2: Changing Permalinks

Permalinks? Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

Permalinks are the address to a web page.

For instance: graticle.com/?p=13383 or graticle.com/services.

In WordPress, both of the web addresses above go to the same place.

The first URL ending in /?p=13383 is WordPress’ default permalink (appropriately called an Ugly Permalink). The second URL ending in /services is called a Pretty Permalink and is available within WordPress with a simple change.

A lot of beginning WordPress users aren’t aware of how to change this setting, or don’t make it a priority to do so.

The best reason for choosing Pretty Permalinks are that they’re readable, user-friendly and easy to share. Referring someone to graticle.com/services is a bit more memorable than asking them to type in graticle.com/?p=13383.

Plus, these Pretty Permalinks will show up in search engines, allowing users to get an idea of what your web page is about:

Permalinks in Google Search

How to Change Permalinks in WordPress

Now that you’re all up-to-speed, here’s how to change your Permalink structure in WordPress:

Changing Permalinks in WordPress

The most popular or standard Permalink Setting is Post Name.

This allows the title of your page to become the Permalink like you saw with /services in the example above.

And, Done.

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