WordPress Web Design Improvement Tips

WordPress website design involves a lot of different factors. Whether you’re an experienced designer or someone who’s just getting started, here are some tips to keep in mind as you work on your next WordPress website.

1) Use Google Fonts. If you’re not familiar with Google Fonts , they’re a collection of pretty awesome fonts that Google has made available to the web design community for free. Because I’m a fan of Comic Sans, you probably won’t find it here, but they have a wide variety of other font types and styles to choose from.

2) Make sure your website is responsive. With mobile browsing being so popular these days, it’s important to have a responsive website design so that your site is easy to view on a mobile device.

3) Don’t use too many plugins. Plugins, while awesome and super useful, can overload the functionality of your WordPress website if you’re not careful. Keeping plugins at a minimum should be one of the goals when designing a WordPress website.

4) Design for humans. Even though you’re designing for a screen, rather than printing out the finished product like you’d do with graphic design, it’s important to remember that humans will actually be using this website. When they look at your site, will they have an easy time reading it? Will they have an easy time navigating your site?

5) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s a lot involved with creating a WordPress website, and it can be very overwhelming if you’re not used to doing it. The good news is that there are plenty of people out there who have been designing these types of websites for years and would love to help.

This blog post will hopefully be useful to you if you’re planning on creating a WordPress website or if you already have one and are looking to improve it. Thanks for reading!

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