WordPress Website Hosting

When it comes to hosting, you get what you pay for. When it comes to WordPress hosting, you really get what you pay for.

You can pay hardly anything for hosting and that’s what most people opt for. After all, hosting is hosting, right?

Let’s back up a moment and talk about WordPress.

WordPress is a content management system that is  resource intensive. It’s akin to running a program like Photoshop on your computer versus Notepad. When you click on Notepad, it opens up almost immediately. When you click on Photoshop, it’s going to take a while depending on the capabilities of your machine. Hosting is the same.

Back when people first started making websites, hosting wasn’t really an issue. Websites were simple and Internet connections were slow. I’m sure you’re aware, but the entire landscape is completely different nowadays. Internet speeds are fast and websites are full of images, videos and are much more complex. Most people take this for granted and assume everything is just fast and works. But that’s not the case. Not only does it take a lot of work to create these complex websites, it takes a lot of effort to make sure these websites are online every moment of every day, are secure, and quick.

Now, you may be saying to yourself, we’re just a small business and investing in our website’s speed with hosting isn’t really a priority. We’re not a Fortune 500. And that’s your choice, but I’ll tell you why it’s a bad idea. Your customers are used to things happening quickly online. They’re used all the major social media networks that are extremely quick to load. That’s the bar as far as your customers are concerned. It might not be fair, but it is what it is.

Guess what happens when they click on your website that takes 10+ seconds to load every time they click? They won’t wait. They’ll hit the back button faster than you can say One Mississippi. If they find your competitor who has a fast website, and has a better experience, they’re more likely to do business with them. It’s just the way it is.

It can be easy to fall into thinking that your customers have patience online. When you’re browsing your website, you might have all the patience in the world. You’re going to look at every sentence, cross every T and dot every I. That’s a good thing. But when it comes to your customers taking the time to wait for your website to load, it’s not going to happen.

Your customers are judging you and your business long before they ever pick up the phone. They’re looking at online reviews, browsing your website and asking opinions from their friends. If you’re not looking at your business and website from every angle possible, you’re losing customers and business.

We offer a free 35-point website review for anyone that asks. A portion of this review is dedicated to your website speed and performance. We not only look at how fast your website is, but also how large it is and various website speed optimization techniques you are utilizing, or not. We go over this report in a video format so that you can easily understand it. Lastly, we walk through your website visually, and offer suggestions for how your website can bring more to your bottom line.

WordPress Hosting

We’d like to help you increase the speed of your WordPress website with hosting and other methods we have under our belt.

Call or text us today (360) 450-3711 or request a free website review.

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Is your website at its best? Our free website audit will guide you through boosting performance and wowing your visitors.

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