You Need a Custom Website: Here’s Why

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve been told that you need a custom website. And if you’re like most business owners, you’re not sure why. It seems like a lot of money to spend on something that doesn’t seem necessary. But believe us when we say that a custom website is worth the investment. In this blog post, we’ll explain why custom websites are so important and how they can benefit your business.

A custom website can boost your sales.

Are you struggling to get new customers? Having a custom website could change that. Custom websites are tailored to your target audience, so they immediately draw in people who are interested in what you have to offer. Landing on a generic site is like showing up at the party with nothing to say – no one will be interested in what you have to say and you won’t make a lasting impression. But land on a website that’s catered directly to your target audience and they’ll be intrigued by what you’re offering, eager to learn more. And when possible clients are curious about what you do, there’s a good chance they’ll reach out and make an appointment to learn more.

Custom websites are SEO-friendly.

If you’ve already invested in paid advertising, it may be hard to believe that organic search can make or break your business – but it does. Last year, 52% of B2B marketers found that organic search improved their brand’s awareness while 90% said that SEO-friendly content helped improve their site’s traffic. And even if you haven’t started investing in paid advertising, 71% of people who conduct local searches visit a store within five miles. Custom websites are search engine optimized (SEO-optimized), so your website will be easily discoverable by the right people online.

A custom website can build trust with clients.

Custom websites are trustworthy and well-designed – and people know it. I’ve seen surveys that find ~70% of customers would rather do business with brands that have custom website designs compared to their standard counterparts. And if you look at popular sites like Amazon or Google, you’ll notice that they all use custom websites because they understand the importance of a professional appearance. In fact, a custom website has been shown to inspire trust in potential clients more than a logo can.

A custom website is efficient.

Have you ever spent time writing blog posts, only to see your page views decrease? It’s frustrating and a waste of valuable resources – and it can be easily prevented if you have a custom website. Your site will include effective analytics that provide insight into how your visitors engage with your content over time, so you can determine whether your clients need more or less information. You can also use this feature to discover what kinds of content your visitors are most interested in, so you know how best to appeal to them through blog posts and other content.

A custom website can be easily maintained over time.

If you’re running a business, you don’t have time to worry about minute details like updating your website. A custom website is a good choice because it’s easy to maintain over time. Your web developer will create an efficient system that makes content updates a breeze, so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business.

A custom website provides the flexibility needed to accommodate future changes in technology and client preferences.

Websites aren’t a static form of marketing – they need to be able to change with the times so your business can too. In order to truly benefit from a custom website, it’s important that you have access to an experienced developer who can make changes as needed so you’re always using cutting-edge technology and reaching a wide audience.

A custom site is ideal for a wide range of business types.

Custom websites are an effective way to reach a wider audience and build your brand, so it’s no surprise that they’re commonly used in a variety of industries. Custom sites have been shown to be particularly useful when running B2B businesses. However, this type of development has been used by every kind of company from restaurants to retailers. And if you run a complex business with multiple divisions or specialties, a custom site could be the ideal way to bring all your teams together and gain an cohesive online presence.

Custom websites make getting support easy.

Are you spending way too much time answering questions from your customers? Do they have to wait for an answer? If you’re a smaller business, it’s likely that your clients have to reach out to you by phone or email. But if you have a custom website with a prominent support section, customers will be able to find all the information they need without taking up so much of your time. Instead of spending hours every week fielding calls and emails, you can spend that time on the other aspects of your business.

Custom websites have been shown to increase business revenue.

In an age when many customers are doing their shopping online, a website is no longer just a virtual storefront and portfolio. It’s important that your site reflects the unique needs and desires of your brand and the people you serve, and a custom design makes this possible. Custom sites can build awareness and drive traffic, increase conversions and build trust. That’s why companies spend time and money on custom sites – because it works!

Custom websites are a worthwhile investment.

Designing a beautiful website doesn’t have to be expensive, which is why it should be one of the first items on your list when growing your business. Businesses with custom websites tend to enjoy many benefits over their counterparts who use basic templates. And the best part is that you don’t need a massive marketing budget to invest in a custom website. Small businesses can enjoy all of these benefits without going over their budget by partnering with a professional web design agency who specializes in working with small businesses.

Custom website designs make it easy for people to find you online.

If someone is looking for a service or product like yours, what do you want them to do? If your answer is “Google it,” then congratulations – you’re on the same page as us. Custom websites are exactly what Google and other search engines are looking for. Your website will be optimized to help the right people find you, but what about after they’ve landed on your site? Custom websites can easily be shared across social media – which means that your site is exposed to even more people than before!

Your old website probably isn’t doing anything for you.

If you’re using a free website template, then you’re probably stuck with ugly fonts that are difficult to read and colors that don’t match your brand. And who knows what’s happening on the back end? Maybe it’s slow or there are bugs – either way, you aren’t being shown in the best light possible. Custom websites can load quickly and they’re designed to work seamlessly on all devices, so your website is always accessible.

Custom websites are a smart investment.

Web design is constantly changing and growing, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get in on the action! Custom websites give you a chance to experiment with the latest trends and adapt as they change over time. Plus, you can take advantage of free tools and resources like Canva and Adobe Spark that make it easy to create a custom website even if you aren’t tech-savvy.

The bottom line:

Custom websites help your business by driving sales, building trust, making an impact online and more. They can also be faster, easier and cheaper to maintain than you think – especially if you work with the right web design company.

So what are you waiting for? If your website isn’t up to par with your business, it’s time to invest in a new one. With the right team, you’ll be able to build a custom website that will boost sales and help you grow your business online.

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