Business Card Designer

Image of a business card draft in Illustrator on a computer monitor

At Graticle, we not only design websites, but we also design business cards.

When a company hires us to create a website, one of the first things we ask is if we can look at their business card. More often than not, their business cards need to be re-designed. Their card is usually run-of-the-mill and forgettable. We believe business cards should make an impression. They should be memorable. One of the most valuable things your business can do in this noisy world, is become memorable. After all, if you’ve gotten the attention of someone enough to hand them a business card, why should it be a flimsy piece of paper with your name and logo scrawled on it? What does that say about you and your company? You might as well give them your email.

Everything your business hands out says something about you and your business. The question is, what is the message you’re conveying?

A stack of thick business cards

There are a few important items to remember when it comes to maximizing your business card’s potential:

  1. Make an impression. Your card should receive a comment about it after handing it out. It may not be every time, but it should the majority of the time. This can be accomplished in the design, message or even the stock of the card itself.
  2. Clear and concise. Only include the essentials on your card. Don’t list every service you provide, and don’t feature three of your company slogans. Keep it simple, yet enough. There’s  a fine balance.
  3. Memorable. Again, this can be accomplished in a variety of ways. You can have a photo of yourself on your card, a thicker card or unique texture, or even the stock of your card itself. Think different. You can print business cards on wood, plastic, or even metal.
  4. Brand consistency. Your business card has to be consistent with your brand. You should be able to put your business card, brochures, and other marketing material and it should all look like a consistent set. Think baseball cards. The players and team are different, but the baseball card brand remained the same across the set.


A person holding a business card designed for Home Water Plant by us at Graticle Design

Not only do we design business cards, but we also design logos/brands, print design, and website design. We specialize in creating marketing material that stands out and stays consistent to your brand. Plus, you don’t have to work with ten companies to receive quality products, you can work with one.

Take a look at our portfolio and then give us a call (360) 450-3711 or chat with us on our website (at the bottom-right of the screen). Looking forward to working with you.

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