How to Quickly Setup a Redirect in WordPress

How to Quickly Setup a Redirect in WordPress

First, let’s start with what a redirect is:

What is a Redirect?

A redirect is a URL that will “redirect” to a different URL.

For instance, if someone types in (or clicks on) it will take them to:

It eliminates the need for the user to type in (or remember) the exact URL to leave a review on our Google+ page. Now it’s easy. They only have to remember to type in /review, rather than the gibberish above.

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How to Create a Redirect in WordPress

In WordPress, you can The Redirection Plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory that will make this simple.

Install and active the Redirection plugin.

Install and Activate the Redirection Plugin

Next, view the Settings:

Redirection Plugin Settings Page

Create the Redirection

To create the redirection, you have two fields to fill out: Source URL and Target URL.

Source URL: The URL that the user will type in. For example:

Target URL: Where you want to send the user. For example,

Adding a Redirection in WordPress

Now, when someone types in, they will be taken to

Use Cases

Now, typing in to go to Google isn’t practical.

So instead, here are helpful ideas for redirection you can use today:

Social Networks: Make it easy for users to find your social networks. Use /facebook, /instagram, /twitter, /snapchat

Reviews: Make it easy for your customers to leave a review. Use /review, /yelp, /googlereview

Personalize: Have a resource you want to share with a customer? Use their company or contacts name. Use /shawn, /dave, /pepsi

Another great use for redirects is for tracking in analytics, but we’ll leave that for another post.

Thanks for reading and I hope you got something of value out of it.

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