Refrigerated Warehousing Web Design

We provide web design services for many industries. In our latest posts, we have been highlighting various industries we serve. In this post, I’d like to cover the refrigerated warehousing industry.

A few years ago, a company called Henningsen Cold Storage reached out to us and asked that we re-design their website and manage it moving forward.

Their existing website wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t mobile friendly and was using Adobe Flash which is no longer supported in most modern browsers.

Here is what the website looked like before:

Henningsen Cold Storage's Old Website

Here is the website we created for them:

Refrigerated Warehousing Website Design

I’m going to jump right into the project, so I won’t be covering our web design process in this post. You can read about our web design process.

Henningsen Cold Storage is one of the largest public refrigerated warehousing companies in the United States. It was obvious early on that we needed to tell the story of this company that had been around since 1923. Since Henningsen Cold Storage is nationwide, it was also important that we showcase their various location across the United States. After all, this is a logistics company and locations matter.

Warehousing and Transportation Web Design

It was also important to communicate exactly what they do. They not only provide warehousing services but also transportation and single-source services.

Call Us Today Web Design

Contact Us Today Web Design

Calls to action were also very important. If you’ve read any of our content before, you know that we place a high emphasis on “asking for the sale.” We want every website that we create to be effective in accomplishing the goals set out. Often, the goal is to allow new sales opportunities. This website was no different.

Map Location Design

Portland Oregon Web Design Page

Showcasing each of their locations was also important. Not just listing where they are at on a map but also the details of each of their locations and the services offered at that location. Not only does this provide the visitor with all the information that they would need, but also provides search engine (SEO) benefits.

Usable Menu Navigation Design

Portland Oregon Location Menu Design

Like all websites we create, this one needed to be user-friendly and intuitive. For example, you can see how easy the navigation is to use. It’s easy to find the information you’re looking for and also where you’re at in relation to the website by using breadcrumbs.

I mentioned earlier that history was important. We created a page dedicated to their history that tells their story in an interactive way for visitors to see you where and how Henningsen Cold Storage got to where they are today.

Leadership Page Design

It was also important that we showcase the corporate leadership and directors. This provides people a chance to get to know the humans behind the business. Often, it can be easy to have a corporate website without any mention of people. But as we all know without people there is no business.

Call to Action Website

Visitors also needed to have the ability to request a warehousing or transportation quote online. It needed to be easy and not intimidating to use.

We continue to add features to their website and manage the website hosting, security, backups and everything that’s involved with making sure this website is quick and online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Web Design Services for Refrigerated Warehousing Companies

If you need web design services for your company, please give us a call (360) 450-3711 or request a quote.

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