I’m guessing you haven’t given website hosting a second thought in your business.
Or perhaps, you don’t know much about website hosting.
After all, you’re not expected to know hosting. You have a business to run.
Website hosting is what allows your website to function and be displayed to the world 24/7.
When you do visit your website, it appears to work. Great, off to bigger and better things.
But, have you tested your website like your users do? Do you click around to multiple pages and see how long it takes to navigate your website?
Do you go to your website and wait five or more seconds for it to load? You can bet your visitors won’t be as patient.
When it comes to a website, hosting can often be an afterthought. Something mentioned at one time, but not more. Sure, you pay a fee each month or once per year, but that’s about all the thought you give to it.
The hosting of your website is key to your website’s success.
Simply put: the longer your website takes to load, the more that people leave.
It’s that simple.
You have a wonderfully thought out website that’s won twenty design awards? What good is that if no one is waiting around for your website to display?
Hosting is complex and picking the right solution can be cumbersome and time-consuming. There’s no reason to go into that now. Your website is either working for your business or against it. It’s slow, mediocre, decent, or hopefully, fantastic.
Do me a favor, fire up your website right now and click around as if you were looking for your service/product. Is it taking longer than you expect? It’s hard not to be biased and patient, but remember, your customers are not. If your website is slow, they’re gone.
At Graticle, we handle the hosting, management, and security for all of our customers. They don’t have to think about it, nor should you.
Free Website Review
Fill out this Free Website Review request and we’ll review your website for free. No strings attached.
We’ll send you a report so you can see how your website is really performing and how it can be improved.
Do You Need Better Website Hosting?
We’d love to host and manage your website.