Palm Desert Swim Club

Palm Desert Swim Club

Custom Poster Design

When the Palm Desert Swim Club dove into the world of professional design, they wanted to make a splash. And who better to partner with than Graticle Design? As a new team in the competitive swimming scene of sunny southern California, they catered to swimmers ranging from little tadpoles to almost-adult sharks. What they needed was a poster that could capture the essence of their team and provide parents with all the details – from practice schedules to coaching contacts.

We jumped right in, crafting a design that feels as sunny and energetic as a day at the pool. Front and center, we showcased their vibrant team photo – because hey, it’s all about the swimmers! The clear breakdown of age groups and timings ensures that parents can find their kid’s lane at a glance. And just in case mom or dad has a question, the coach’s contact info is right there, ready to help.

Other notable projects we’ve helped them with:

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