Pelton Shepherd

Pelton Shepherd Website Redesign

We, at Graticle Design, are thrilled to have recently transformed the website for Pelton Shepherd, based in Stockton, California. The new site now presents a more professional, clean, and streamlined aesthetic, a testament to our commitment to quality and attention to detail.

The redesigned website strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and information. It’s straightforward and easy to navigate, yet it doesn’t compromise on providing all the necessary details visitors need. This approach ensures that visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and effortlessly, enhancing their overall user experience.

A key focus of the redesign was to guide visitors through the sales funnel effectively. The site is now structured in a way that it naturally leads visitors from one stage of the buying process to the next, making it easier for them to make informed decisions and take action.

One of the highlights of the new site is its comprehensive coverage of the various industries that Pelton Shepherd serves and the wide range of products they offer. This feature not only educates potential customers about the breadth and depth of their offerings but also positions Pelton Shepherd as a versatile and adaptable solution provider in their field.

At Graticle Design, our relationship with our clients doesn’t end once a site is launched. We currently host, manage, and update the Pelton Shepherd website, ensuring it stays up-to-date, secure, and continues to serve its purpose effectively. The site is built on WordPress, a robust and flexible platform that allows for easy content updates and seamless scalability as the company grows.

In conclusion, the revamped Pelton Shepherd website is more than just a visual upgrade. It’s a strategic tool designed to inform, engage, and convert visitors, reflecting the professional and reliable reputation that Pelton Shepherd is known for in their industry.

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