Port of Longview

Port of Longview Brochure

We were thrilled to work on a business development brochure for the Port of Longview, a pivotal facility in Southwest Washington State that is a hub for global cargo transportation. The Port is uniquely positioned as the first operating port on the Columbia River’s federally maintained deep-draft shipping channel, making it a critical entry and exit point for goods moving to and from the Pacific.

Our aim for the brochure was to create a comprehensive, easy-to-digest guide that would allow potential clients and stakeholders to grasp the full range of services and advantages offered by the Port. We broke down complex data and technicalities around the Port’s various berths, its rail and road capacities, and its heavy-lift equipment into understandable chunks, making sure to highlight key numbers and benefits. The end result was an effective showcase of the Port’s capabilities in areas such as breakbulk handling, cargo storage options, and the in-house Terminal Operations Department that tailors cargo handling plans to each vessel for an optimal, safe, and efficient experience.

One of the most dynamic aspects of the Port, which we aimed to showcase, is its multifaceted connection capabilities. Whether by rail, road, river, or air, the Port is truly the intersection to all major transportation arteries within the Pacific Northwest. From its unique on-dock rail facilities that directly connect to Class 1 rail lines, to its easy access to major highways and airports, the Port is designed for maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The brochure is rounded off with the Port’s secure storage options, including its laydown yard, warehouse spaces, and its Foreign Trade Zone, providing clients with the flexibility and peace of mind they need when planning their cargo operations. This project exemplifies Graticle Design’s commitment to producing top-notch, informative materials that not only look good but also serve as an invaluable resource for our clients.

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