ADA Helper

Web App Design

Graticle Design had the unique opportunity to partner with ADA Helper, a Fresno, California-based company dedicated to simplifying compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our collaboration involved designing both a website and an intricate web app, creating an intuitive, interactive experience for users.

The challenge was immense; translating a mountain of regulations into a user-friendly platform that could generate custom inspection checklists for various businesses and property types. We began with rough wireframes, interpreting the owner’s original sketches and laying out the content. Through a meticulous refining process, we honed in on exactly what ADA Helper required, ensuring each detail was clear and agreed upon.

We then dove into design, focusing on the finer aspects such as color, typography, spacing, and contrast. With each screen, we further developed the style guide, ensuring the app’s design was consistent throughout. Here’s a snapshot of the complexity and work involved, as we designed a variety of screens, including Login, Dashboard, My Settings, Search, and many more, not including the interactive states within each screen.

Our dedicated focus on functionality and user experience translated into an app that allows users to enter a few simple details and swiftly gauge their specific compliance risks. With just a tape measure and a device, users can complete a self-assessment, follow self-inspection steps, and receive a comprehensive PDF report emailed instantly, highlighting potential accessibility violations along with compliance recommendations.

The final product serves as a lifeline for businesses, enabling them to protect themselves from potential legal challenges related to ADA compliance. The combined website and app solution provides them with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate the often confusing landscape of ADA regulations, connecting them with specialized professionals when needed.

Graticle Design’s work with ADA Helper showcases our commitment to creating intricate and effective digital solutions. This project highlights our ability to take a complex subject and translate it into an engaging and useful interactive experience. By blending creativity and technical expertise, we’ve provided ADA Helper with the tools they need to empower businesses in maintaining adherence to essential regulations, all while ensuring a consistent design across the platform. It’s a significant undertaking we’re proud to have been a part of, reflecting our dedication to detail, functionality, and user-centric design.

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