Dexter Magnetics

Dexter Magnetics

Datasheet Design

When Dexter Magnetic Technology, a renowned name in the world of advanced magnetic solutions based in Elk Grove, Illinois, aimed to refresh the presentation of their product range, Graticle Design was the go-to choice. Entrusted with the task of designing datasheets for nine distinct products, Graticle’s challenge was to ensure that each datasheet not only resonated with the Dexter brand but also provided a clear and concise overview of the product’s specifications, benefits, and unique selling points.

An elegant layout with a harmonious color scheme emphasizes the product’s imagery, ensuring it takes center stage. Key features are presented in an easily digestible format, while the call to action is prominently placed to drive customer engagement. Across all nine datasheets, there’s a consistent design language, ensuring brand cohesiveness while allowing each product’s individual strengths to shine.

This project between Dexter Magnetic Technology and Graticle Design underscores the latter’s prowess in delivering design solutions that are both functional and visually compelling, making complex information accessible and engaging.

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