Tour de Blast

Tour de Blast

Cycling Event Logo Design

For the spirited cyclists embarking on the challenging ascent to Mount St. Helens, Graticle Design crafted the dynamic logo for the Tour de Blast cycling event, encapsulating both the vigor of the ride and the iconic nature of the destination. The design’s bold, angular typography reflects the event’s energetic essence, while the silhouette of the mountain incorporates a sense of the monumental landscape that awaits the riders. The radial lines emanating from the peak suggest the explosive history of St. Helens, mirroring the explosive burst of energy cyclists will use to conquer the hills. This logo doesn’t just symbolize an event; it celebrates the spirit of adventure, endurance, and the breathtaking beauty of Washington’s natural wonders, resonating with the cycling community and serving as a beacon of accomplishment for those who take on the Tour de Blast.

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