Yamabe & Horn Engineering, Inc.

Yamabe & Horn Engineering, Inc.

Print Report Design

For Yamabe & Horn Engineering, Inc., we were tasked with designing a comprehensive print report for their Campus Accessibility Study conducted at the Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, California. Our design strategy was focused on clarity and accessibility, reflecting the report’s purpose. We utilized a clean and professional layout, with a clear typeface and well-organized content structure to ensure that the information was easy to navigate and understand. The cover features a subtle blend of imagery and typography, conveying the seriousness and significance of the study’s findings while remaining inviting to readers. This report design not only serves its functional purpose but also stands as a professional representation of Yamabe & Horn’s commitment to excellence and thorough analysis.

We continually help Yamabe & Horn each month managing their website we created, and a variety of website design / development, and graphic / print design projects.

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