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Easily Create Redirects in WordPress

How to Quickly Setup a Redirect in WordPress

Find out how to setup a redirect in WordPress in 3 simple steps using a completely free and easy to use plugin.

WordPress 4.2 Released

WordPress 4.2 Released – Favorite New Features (with Screenshots & GIFs)

WordPress 4.2 was released on April 27, 2015 with the name of "Powell" (in honor of jazz pianist Bud Powell on Wikipedia). Not the largest update, but it does include some handy features if you use WordPress often.

Creative Creating: Create the Tools You Wish Existed

I think it's important for people to build and create things they wish existed or believe they can do better. Not only for the tools that come out of it, but for the entire experience of creating.

Easy Content Management with Custom Post Types - WordPress

WordPress: Easy Content Management with Custom Post Types

Don't get me wrong, WordPress has allowed non-programmers to manage their own websites in a landscape that previously gave developers all of the power. But as with any software, it can be improved.

Before and After Customizing the Edit Post Screen in WordPress

How to Customize the Edit Post Screen in WordPress

Although it's great having a multitude of features at your disposal with WordPress, sometimes the Edit Screen can become bloated. Let's fix that.

How to Schedule Future Posts in WordPress - Graticle Design

How to Schedule Future Posts in WordPress

Scheduling blog posts to be published in the future is a breeze with WordPress. Here are four easy steps to scheduling your first future post.

404 Error Not Found on Graticle

What are 404 Errors and How to Fix Them in WordPress

The dreaded 404. If people are landing on your website and they can't find what they're looking for, they're gone. It's that simple. Learn how to fix this right now.

Google Analytics Extension on Graticle

View Google Analytics As You Browse Your Website

With this new Google Chrome extension, you can see how your customers are interacting with your website visually.

11 Tools & Tips To Speed Up Your WordPress Website Today

Is your WordPress website dragging? In this article we'll uncover 11 easy-to-follow tools & tips to improve your tired WordPress website right now.

Example of Facebook Call to Action Button

NEW: Facebook Pages Call to Action Buttons

What Facebook's Call to Action Buttons look like and how you can take advantage of these buttons on your Facebook page today.

Contact Form

WordPress Mistake Tip #3: Contact Form Spam

Something we all want less of: Spam. When it comes to creating contact forms, circumventing spammers is often overlooked. You guessed it: Big Mistake.

Permalinks in Google Search

WordPress Mistake Tip #2: Changing Permalinks

Most WordPress beginners don't even know what permalinks are, let alone how to change them. HUGE mistake. Find out why / how to change them right now.

Website Loading

WordPress Mistake Tip #1: Selecting Image Sizes

We all use images in our websites, but often beginner WordPress users will insert billboard-sized photos. A huge mistake if you'd like people to actually stay on your website.

WordPress 4.1 Released – 5 Great New Features (with Screenshots & GIFs)

WordPress 4.1 was released on December 18, 2014. A minor upgrade, but still includes some gems if you use WordPress as often as I do.

What is a Landing Page - Graticle Design

What Is a Landing Page?

What exactly is a Landing Page? Technically, a landing page is the page you "land on" after clicking a link. Although if you've heard the term used in marketing, it's something more specific. In marketing, a landing page is the page you land on after you click an advertisement. It's important to note that you can arrive at a landing page through other methods, but this is the approach I'll be focusing on. The purpose of a landing page is to take the user from the original Advertisement → Landing Page → Finish (Goal, Sale, etc.) Instead of a creating an advertisement and then sending the user to your…

WordPress 4 - New Features

WordPress 4.0 – 3 Great New Features (with Screenshots & GIFs)

Next week, WordPress 4.0 is going to be released and I'd like to give you an overview of the new features. WordPress has made over 250 changes thus far, but here are the top 3 that I know you'll be using.

13 Tips to Increase Value and Engagement (for your Blog)

13 Tips to Increase Value and Engagement
(for your Blog)

Build a blog, and they will come? If it were only that easy. Here are 13 tips to increase value and engagement for readers of your blog.

Start Wallpaper- Graticle Design

Inspirational Wallpaper

Here is a little inspiration for your day. Feel free to download the desktop wallpaper and share with a friend.

2 Design TIPS to Help Your Business on Facebook (with Examples)

With over 54 million Facebook pages online, standing out from the crowd is essential. After designing many Facebook pages, I'd like to give you two tips to follow when designing your Facebook page.

Major Brands and Companies Using WordPress

Don't all WordPress websites look the same? Find out why this is wrong, and also some examples of well known companies and brands using WordPress.

E-Commerce Checkout Design and Usability

In this post we showcase an eCommerce website that we designed and developed for a local business in Ellensburg, Washington. Specifically, I want show you the ordering system we created that allows their customers to place an order online.

The WindBreaker Package from Graticle Design Header

NEW Service! Single Page WordPress Package (WindBreaker)

We speak with small business owners and start-ups every day that request a simple website. Up until now, we've only offered services for small to mid-size companies and start-ups that have a larger goal and budget set aside for their online presence.

Collecting Payments Online with Paypal [Video]

In this video I show how we integrated a custom online payment form through PayPal so that the Friends of Willamette Valley NWRC can allow people to signup for their memberships online.

What to Look For When Hiring a Design Company

Hiring a design company or freelancer can be tough. If you're like most people, you type in a quick Google search (or browse Craigslist) and are inundated with literally thousands of results to scour through. Some of  these results look promising and others just terrible. To make things worse, prices are all over the place, from $99 to $25,000 for a website. What gives? It's actually pretty simple: you don't understand what you're hiring. That's okay though, there's a first time for everything and I'm here to help you make a little more sense of it. Here are a few pointers and red…

Free Website Audit

Is your website at its best? Our free website audit will guide you through boosting performance and wowing your visitors.

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