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As a custom web design business, we hear this question often. Unfortunately, it’s not one we can answer without asking questions.
I get it. You’re busy. We’re all busy. You’re on the hunt for a web designer and don’t know where to start. You don’t have 8 hours to spend time doing this.
In this video, I show you how to disable comments in WordPress sitewide in under two minutes. We'll use a free third-party plugin and it couldn't be easier. No programming in this video!
When we discuss a website project with a prospective customer, this is one of the first questions we ask. It's also a question most often to stop people in their tracks because they haven't really thought it through. Vague general answers ensue. The reason it's important is so that your website is a tool in your business toolset and not another fruitless expense.
In this video, I’m going to explain what an XML sitemap is and how to create one easily on your WordPress website.
"How long will this take?" That's a question we hear on a daily basis when talking to someone about a new website project. Sometimes it can be the first question. And our answer? "It depends." Being a custom web design company, that's an answer we often provide until we know more information about the project requirements.
Unfortunately, throughout the year we pick up a lot of projects where other web design companies simply can't (or won't) finish a project to completion. It's never a fun situation, but we're happy to help people get back on track. One particular problem we've seen is when a web design business delivers page designs using custom fonts. Now, if these fonts are able to be licensed for web use (or are free and hosted via Google Fonts for example), we're good to go. But often, the designer chooses his favorite fonts in the design, but those fonts can't be used…
Last week, someone told me about their new website that was created by another web design company. They mentioned that the process was relatively painless, but the end result wasn't quite what they expected. They thought since the website was being built on WordPress, that it was going to be easy to change the text and images on their brand new website. After all, isn't that what a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress is supposed to do?
WordPress 4.8, "Evans" was released on June 8, 2017 (named after jazz pianist William John “Bill” Evans). View all the new features with screenshots and GIFs!
In this video, I show you how to install Google Analytics on your WordPress website with a free third-party plugin. All in two minutes time. No code required!
In this video, I show you how to limit login attempts in your WordPress website with a free third-party plugin. All in under one minute. No code required!
In the video below, I show you how to password protect a page in WordPress (this is especially useful for photographers!) in under one minute. No code required.
In the video below, I show you how to hide pages and posts from Google's search results all in WordPress. No code required. I use Yoast's SEO plugin which makes this very easy.
WordPress 4.7, "Vaughan" was released on December 6, 2016 (named in honor of jazz singer Sarah Vaughn). View all the new features with screenshots and GIFs!
We'll show you how to easily create a WordPress contact form in 3 simple steps with images and video instructions!
I know, installing Google Analytics on your WordPress website isn't as easy as it could be. Let's change that. We're going to help you not only create a Google Analytics account (and get your tracking code) but also show you how easy it is to install on your WordPress website.
WordPress 4.6, "Pepper" was released on August 16, 2016 (named in honor of jazz saxophonist Park Frederick "Pepper" Adams III). Another incremental update but does include a handful of helpful additions!
You know that little icon that shows up in a browser tab for websites? That's called a favicon. Learn how to create and add a favicon to your website today!
Let's have some fun and figure out the seven things your website is missing. I'm willing to bet that your website is missing at least 2 of these 7 items!
Before we start designing your website, there are a few things we need in order for you to have a successful project. If you haven't hired a website designer before, you may be under the impression that you pay your invoice and nothing else is needed from you. Although we will make things extremely seamless, there is still information and assets we need to gather from you. We've created this article as a prep before hiring any web design company, including us. Grab a cup of coffee, your notebook and start reading. You ready? Let's get into it! 1. It…
You can DIY your website or hire some manage your website yourself. We help you decide which is the best decision for you.
Do you know how to find a reliable web design company? Follow these tips to ensure you find a responsible website design company!
Having trouble finding a reliable web design company? Follow these 7 Steps to ensure you find a responsible website design company to complete your project!
Lately, we've been overwhelmed with a number of customer requests to secure their website. Particularly, with an SSL Certificate.
Fill out the form, and we’ll contact you within one business day to discuss your project. You can also call us at (360) 450-3711 and we'll pick up.
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With over 15 years on business, we’re your trusted choice for web design, graphic design, and logo design. Count on our team to provide high-quality creative solutions that turn your vision into reality.